Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Word of the day: Furry

Furry: Possibly the strangest sub-culture in all of geekdom. Furries range from being harmless fans fascinated by anthropomorphic characters and animals, to immensely withdrawn or self-abosrbed persons who actually believe, or want to believe, they're eagle-winged fox-like versions of themselves with giant gentalia who wouldn't dare be anything else that could be considered mundane. Furries defy any coventional or unifying definition.

Sentence: I remember the time I went over to this girl's house to fool around and as soon as she opened the door she was dressed in a Hello Kitty costume... I said, "Wtf! Why are you dressed that way?" She responded, "Well I haven't told anybody this but when I'm in my house I LOVE to dress up as a Furry!" I then proceeded to turn around and I walked away.

[Photo courtesy of]

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